Are you wondering how celebrities keep their red lipstick from smearing? Well, it takes multiple steps! Makeup artist Pati Dubroff, who did Kate Bosworth's look below, breaks it down.
Kate Bosworth

STEP 1: Gently exfoliate lips with a damp washcloth and wipe them clean. Then swipe on a matte lip pencil to create an even base

STEP 2: Dust a translucent powder along edges of lips with a powder brush to lock in the color; layer a slightly darker pencil along the lip line to create definition.

STEP 3: Apply a shiny red lip pencil to the center of top and bottom lips. (Avoid goopy glosses.) Dip a brush in concealer and run it around the outside of the lip line to clean up and sharpen edges.

NOTE: you can't do a perfect red lip without a great pencil! Where to get a good quality pencil, check here.  to get one from konga today..


Confidence Ezemadu

is a lover of information and technology and has since spent some reasonable amount learning what works and what doesnt. Currently I run this blog to enhance and promote the digital culture in Africa.

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  1. saw this on facebook and was wowed.. quickly came to check it out and loved it... thanks macs

  2. i use light make red lipsticks for my semi light skin.. ll it be Ok for me to try this typed of shinning one? really love to try it

  3. i love your blog.. very inspiring

  4. all steps noted.. thanks

  5. if i must say,

    *****winks****** thumbs up..
    thanks for this
